Potatoes for Christmas
A few weeks ago I bought some seed potatoes from the indoor market in Newport, I have just got around to planting them up last week but haven't had chance to post. I bought a few plastic buckets at a car boot sale and my daughter was in charge of filling the buckets up - she didn't fancy touching the potatoes as the sprouts had grown quite spindly so I placed them in the buckets and she covered them up - whilst wearing her uniform and sparkling white socks and no shoes grrrr ! She is in charge of checking them every day with the instructions that as soon as she sees any growth she has to cover them ! I am doubtful that we will get any potatoes for Christmas dinner but we can try !!

I have also manged to finish digging the onion bed over, its still hurts to dig but not as much as before so with plenty of stops I got it done - just the rest of the plot left !!
More midnight gardening as you can see from the photo, I will have to take some daytime photos !!