Strawberries - Yummy Yummy !!
Strawberries are go ! I have planted three rows of strawberries today kindly donated by - yes you've guessed it- my Dad !. I have put in two rows of plants and as you can see from the photo a row of runners which his own stock have thrown up this year.
My daughter is still having difficulty grasping the growing cycle - she is only three after all. When I collected her from school I explained to her that I had planted strawberries at the lotmens as she calls it, she was keen to get down there and pick them straight away.
I tried to explain the seasons and how things grow but this didn't seem to be getting through so I settled on when it gets really hot again then you'll be able to eat them !! A bit basic but it seemed to do the job. My beloved husband was flabbergasted that sprouts take almost nine months to grow so what chance have got explaining next year to my three old !!
So far we have red and white onions, spring cabbages and now strawberries, I am trying to find some broad beans apparently Aquadulce can go in this time of year and will be ready in May/June there are plenty in the catalogues but I wanted to buy some locally as I am impatient and want them in the ground !!
Looks like it's coming along great. It's not only three year olds that get impatient - just wait til you are staring at the soil every day waiting for the beans to come through!
Aquadulce are a good bean and can go in in November. They should germinate by Xmas.
The only trouble is you can sometimes get plagued by mice (witness my rant here last year
I have found it's more reliable to wait until early Jan, then sow some in pots outside, somewhere mouse proof like a coldrame, or cold greenhouse. They can be planted out as soon as they are a good size, but make sure you harden them off throughly first.
Of course, if you stick some in the ground now and get away with it, you won't need to bother!
I`v got some Aquadulce that i will plant soon hopefully....i`m` going to cloche mine to keep the un-wanted quests away....
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