Welsh Girl's Allotment

Hello World,(a bit ambitious as only my mam knows I am here yet !) This is my blog detailing my quest for an allotment, its cultivation and hopefully bountiful crops. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LEAVE COMMENTS, EVEN IF IT IS ONLY A HELLO !!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Only had a hour to spare yesterday so after I dropped my daughter at school I got changed headed for lottie and looked for a little job - one that would look good when done but wouldn't take much time. I decided to clear the brambles, nettles and thistles from the edge of the plot. Where the bench is sited is a path that goes around the edge of the plot - honestly ! I thought it would be a good idea to clear the paths as where we have been walking through the plot it has been compacting the soil so if the paths are clear it will save compacting my freshly dug soil. There is still a bit bramble root stock to remove from the paths but at least that small section is walkable. I was to lazy to go today - I was supposed to do the ironing instead but the fancy didn't take me ! I will go tomorrow -weather permitting and do a bit of digging


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