Welsh Girl's Allotment

Hello World,(a bit ambitious as only my mam knows I am here yet !) This is my blog detailing my quest for an allotment, its cultivation and hopefully bountiful crops. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LEAVE COMMENTS, EVEN IF IT IS ONLY A HELLO !!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away .....

Go away rain I need to plant ... red onions, white onions and cabbages. Everytime it dries up long enough to get my keys and put my coat on, whoosh down comes another downpour, it was supposed to be be dry this afternoon but it that's looking less and less likely. Oh well looks like I will have to do my ironing instead and I've been doing such a good job of avoiding it !!

One bonus of grotty days is looking at the seed catalogues, my favourite at the moment is www.realseeds.co.uk. They have an organic ethic and grow everything themselves and then harvest the seeds. The pictures of the veg are on the web-site for reference and the catalogue is full of useful information, I am definately going to try the melons,they can be grown outside, my list may need refining as it ammounts to about £25 so far from one catalogue !!


At 3:19 pm, Blogger RobD said...

Nice tip on the seeds, thanks. I think once I have a space that keeps the kids contained, then I'll be able to get stuck in to the digging!


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