Welsh Girl's Allotment

Hello World,(a bit ambitious as only my mam knows I am here yet !) This is my blog detailing my quest for an allotment, its cultivation and hopefully bountiful crops. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LEAVE COMMENTS, EVEN IF IT IS ONLY A HELLO !!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Strawberries new home and a new helper

As promised a picture of the new strawberry bed, the ground was cleared , rotivated and manured with chicken pellets about a fortnight ago so late last week I transplanted the strawberries. It will be easier to pick them as they are right next to the path and this section also forms part of my daughters plot as she is in charge of the strawberries.

I saved my christmas tree and it has been in a box in the corner of my kitchen since twelth night shedding its needles. The strawberry bed has now been dressed with the pine needles, apparently they are very good at improving the flavour of the fruit and they will also act as a mulch.

The plot has a new helper.. monkey, my daughter is completely taken by this freebee monkey from her Grandfather's tea bags, she has named him moncap and he goes everywhere with her, she has even been taking him to school I have finally manged to persuade her to give him a kiss at the door and to let him come home with me just in case she loses him in school ! She decided yesterday that moncap wanted to come to the allotment so that he could tell her how things are looking down there and I had take a picture to prove he had been busy !!


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