Welsh Girl's Allotment

Hello World,(a bit ambitious as only my mam knows I am here yet !) This is my blog detailing my quest for an allotment, its cultivation and hopefully bountiful crops. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LEAVE COMMENTS, EVEN IF IT IS ONLY A HELLO !!!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year

A bit late to be wishing you all a Happy New Year but better late than never, it has been a long time between posts, but lets be fair not a lot goes on down the lottie in December especially when I only took it over in September. I have resisted the tempatation to fill the blog with details of other stuff, such as daughters rotten cold, quest for a Christmas tree and Christmas itself as this is supposed to be an allotment blog so here we go, the cabbages are looking incredibly sorry for themselves, onions are having a good go, garlic (rescued, sprouting from the depths of the fridge) is galloping away and in the words of my daughter the strawberries are fast asleep waiting for spring to come back. Finally we have a showing on the broad bean front - bearing in mind I planted them at the end of October - now I have two little sprouts which have decided to see what it looks like this side of the soil, mind you if this ridicolous rain continues they will probably just float away.


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