Allotment Genie it is then !
It has been decided that the Allotment Fairy shall know be known as the Allotment Genie, here is a picture of him with his favourite little helper earlier in the year.
Back to plot matters, seed orders are arriving and need organising quite a few of the flowers I have chosen for my house garden need planting in January and in the next few weeks it will be action stations as I need to find enough window sils to put all of my pots on to germinate, luckily the Allotment Genie has offered some space in his green house if I run out. I have bought one of those small three shelved greenhouses with a plastic cover but I am afraid to put it up in case it ends up in the next valley as the wind is so gusty. The weather is relentless at the moment, we did have a bit of respite on Wednesday when I managed to weed and tidy my front garden but it seems for weeks, even months now, it has rained and rained and rained. It has to stop soon because I need to get down the plot and dig dig dig !
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I liked the "What to call my dad" competition. I was going to enter but I didn't think "GONDOR THE MAGNIFICENT" would get many votes...
Well look at that then....he even looks like a Genie with that lovely white beard!!!!!
I love the name
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