Weeding the brassicas

Still not too sure what these are but it seemed only fair to weed them and keep them looking good.
Is it possible for cauli's to be 'blind' this bed has been planted up since October/November last year and you would imagine that something would be happening by now. I have had four of the plants produce some fab purple sprouting brocoli, but the other plants which are supposed to be cauliflowers and white sprouting brocoli are growing - very healthy - but no sign of producing any veg.
Do any of you have any experiance or ideas as to what is going on ?

Give 'em a little more time. Oct/Nov is late for planting over-wintering cauliflowers (ideally you'd have them in by end of July), so they didn't have time to make growth for spring heading. Keep them well watered (no problem in Wales - wish I could have some of your rain!!) and I bet they'll head in July.
As Soilman says, give them more time, keep them watered and keep your fingers crossed.
Having said that, cauliflowers can be difficult to grow well. They need well-consolidated soil (dig, then leave for as long as possible), they need to be firmed in well, and they need regular watering when starting off. They also need deep, rich soil.
If any of those are missing, you get tiny button heads or no heads at all. But don't assume that you aren't going to get any heads and pull them—always give them time as they can surprise you!
Yup they look like caulis to me. Is this the first time you've planted them in this bed? Sometimes they do go blind the first time you use a bed for brassicas - very annoying but there you go, you've got to start somewhere! I reckon you might get button-heads at least with all your rain.
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