Welsh Girl's Allotment

Hello World,(a bit ambitious as only my mam knows I am here yet !) This is my blog detailing my quest for an allotment, its cultivation and hopefully bountiful crops. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LEAVE COMMENTS, EVEN IF IT IS ONLY A HELLO !!!

Friday, April 04, 2008

I am back !!

There has been little action down at the plot since the last posting. I have popped in to drop off some ashes from my fire - they will come in handy for laying a path by the fence between me and the horses - and that's about it.

I was thrilled to see that the frogs have returned and have spawned in my daughters old paddling pool, the only problem is that it is an inflatable pool with three seperate rings, two seemed to have been punctured so the water is quite shallow. I have been thinking what to do to replace it and my daughter is donating her old baby bath - she hated it when she was a newborn so she is quite excited to think baby frogs will be whizzing around in it in a short while.

I have been so wrapped up in family life through out late winter early spring that the plot has been neglected, however I will go tomorrow, I intend to rescue the strawberries, sort out the wildlife pond - (posh name for old paddling pool and a few stones) begin to lay my new path and if my enthusiam is still buoyant I will dig a spot for the potatoes to go in.

Knowing my luck it will rain and that will be the end of my good intentions !


At 7:23 am, Blogger dND said...

Welcome back, I do hope the weather is good and you make it to the allotment.

Ah frog spawn, that's one thing I miss here, seeing the tadpoles and miniature frogs. I have frogs, lots of frogs but have never found and spawn, really strange.


At 8:30 pm, Blogger RobD said...

Nice to see you back. Hopefully lighter evenings, warmer weather and planting season starting will keep you enthusiastic!

At 9:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back. Was beginning to fear we'd never see you again!


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