Last year I covered a large area of grass with a plastic sheet, partly to hide it and partly to kill it off. When I raised the sheet a few weeks ago I was alarmed to see a number holes and definate runs where small creatures had made themselves a nice little village.

The runs show up best on this photo, the impervious black sheet had obviously provided a nice dry sanctuary for them.

There were over a dozen holes and I was convinced something was going to run up my jeans, so I tucked them firmly into my socks before I started digging !!

I had a bit of a panic because my first thought was rats but upon checking the internet the trackways are indicitive of voles so I will have to keep an eye for them as they like seeds and young shoots - just what I need on an allotment !
I set to work with my jeans in my socks and turned this patch over ......

Just this bit to do tomorrow and plot 1 will be sorted !!!