Blogger is still playing about with my photos so I will just comment as I go along!!
I thought that the rhubarb would have made a show by now and after rumaging around in the grass I found it cleared around it and put a compost bin on top to attempt to force to it I had to put a piece of carpet on the one side to keep the light out.

Here is a small patch of ground I dug over and you can see the carpet needed to obscure the light to help force the rhubarb.

I also laid a path with ashes from the rayburn - looks a bit like a diary of the different fuels we have buring over the winter

This photo should be first in the list as it shows the first plot cleared, weeded, dug over and then Dad came in and rotarvated it for me .

I haven't written much to accompany these photos as the space bar is playing up on my laptop and it is very annoying to keep going back and putting the spaces in - anyone got any ideas how I can fixit???